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A year-long programme of lectures, visits and workshops organised by IESA UK (the Institut d’Études Superieures des Arts) in partnership with Leighton House Museum and Nour Festival –
A year-long series of evening lectures
intended for anyone with an inter- est in the Arts of the Islamic World, this course presents a new approach to the understanding, appreciation and communication of Islamic art and culture. By broadening the tra- ditional historic studies of Islamic art, the programme concentrates on its underlying appeal and sig- nificance, exploring the issues of aesthetics, display, and institutional and private collecting from the Medi- eval period up until the present day.
Postgraduate diploma further de- velops your understanding of the is- sues involved in the collecting and display of Islamic Art through a se- ries of workshops, museum visits, and written assignments. The pro- gramme is aimed at students who may already be working but who want to learn more about this sub- ject either for their own interest or in order to develop their careers either in the commercial or museum field.
The lectures are given by a range of experts in Islamic art and culture, art historians and mu- seum curators including Dr Re- becca Bridgman (Curator at Bir- mingham Museums), Edward Gibbs (Head of Middle East and India department at Sotheby’s), Dr Valerie Gonzalez (author of ‘Beau- ty and Islam: Aesthetics in Islamic Art and Architecture’), Rose Issa (curator, writer and producer), Daniel Robbins (Senior Curator at Leighton House),
Venetia Porter (Curator at the British Museum), Stephen Stapleton (artist, founder of Edge of Arabia), etc
Course outline
1: The Aesthetics and Display of Islamic Art (autumn)
2: History of Collecting of Islamic Art in the West (winter)
3: Contemporary Art Market and Collecting (spring)
Programme at a glance
Accreditation: PgDip (60 ECTS cred- its) or Professional Masters (Titre 1) offered by IESA and validated by the French Ministry of Education and Cul- ture
Location: London (UK), Senate House Duration: 09/15-06/16
About us
IESA (The Institut d’Etudes Supérieures des Arts) is a graduate institute of Art History and Art Market founded in Paris in 1985. IESA UK offers innvoative MAs (validated by the University of Warwick), summer courses and se- mester programmes taught in Lon- don and Paris.