Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion and worship.

The fast (sawm) begins at dawn and ends at sunset and more and more believers are getting into the Ramadan mode earlier.

The benefits of fasting

Blood Pressure

A decrease in the body’s salt intake and loss of salt through urine lowers the body’s blood pressure. So if you suffer with high blood pressure, fasting can control this.

Immune System

Heal your body through your immune system, fasting helps enhance muscle growth.

The immune system is largely comprised of white blood cells and fasting encourages your body to recycle any old white blood cells which result in a healthier, more robust immune system. Your body regenerates stem cells that consist of red and white blood cells along with your platelets once your body consumes food again.


Alleviate obesity; fasting prompts the liver’s enzymes to break down cholesterol and fats to convert them into bile acid, which, in turn, converts to heat – ultimately stimulating faster metabolism. Portion sizes are key.


Abstaining from all matter of solids and surviving on liquids for a few days is a great way to cleanse the human body and detoxify; improving the function of organs whilst promoting a cleansed digestive system – improving blood circulation and getting rid of any harmful toxins in the body.

Mental Health

Fasting is known to strengthen the mind, sharpen focus and provide mental clarity – this is primarily due to a reduction in calorie, sugar and salt intake. Fasting also goes a significantly long way towards balancing the mind and reducing mental stress.

Image – Brett Jordan, Unsplash

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