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Headline image credit – Muhammad Haikal Sjukri
It would be silly for me, not to mention the one and only book you should be reading during Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of knowledge, inspiration, a time to speak to your friends and family to learn more about Islam and how to perfect your ibadah (Prayer) and cleanse your heart and soul.
Check out my recommended ‘Ramadan Reads‘ which will keep you busy this Ramadan 2021!
It goes without saying that the Qur’an is an absolute must read during every Ramadan:
The Majestic Qur’an – now available in Hardback, Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook & app. This refreshing and beautiful presentation of the Quran is accurate, reads easily and flows smoothly. The notes help to explain special Islamic concepts and Quranic terms, as well as Arabic metaphors and idioms. This landmark translation will appeal to English readers globally. Grab your’s ready for Ramadan today! Buy from The Majestic Qur’an
£14.99A collection of 40 Hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) focusing on the notion of social justice in Islam. BUY NOW from Kube Publishing
Portable Paperback – A Handbook Of Spiritual Medicine £21.99 – £25.98
Buy from Ibn Daud
This spiritual guide to the self is a handbook of tazkiyah or ‘self-purification’. Not only does it illustrate the maladies of the human spiritual condition, it recognises the struggles and insecurities we all succumb to from time to time, and offers up the remedies too.
This paperback is light, compact and easily transportable. Something for yourself or a special other, embossed in gold foil on the front and back covers.
Buy the digital issue for only £1.99 or the hardcopy for only £3.99 today! Click here